
The Aebli-Näf Foundation periodically awards a prize for outstanding achievements in the field of teacher education. The expert committee in accordance with the foundation board (together the foundation conference) decides on the presentation of the Hans-Aebli-Recognition Award.

Award Ceremony in 2009

On July 1, 2009, the recognition award was presented for a third time on the occasion of the annual conference “Unterrichtsforschung und Unterrichtsentwicklung” (Classroom Research and Curriculum Development) of the SGBF and the SGL at the University of Zurich. The recognition award included a prize money of CHF 10,000 and was awarded ex aequo to:

Andrea Bertschi-Kaufmann, professor emeritus of German Language and Literature and its Didactics as well as head emeritus of the Institute “Forschung und Entwicklung” of the FHNW’s School of Education in Aarau, in appreciation of her pioneering research regarding language didactics, especially in the areas of reading and literacy, as well as her exemplary combination of scientific and professional, practical activities on behalf of Swiss and international teacher education.

Bernard Schneuwly, professor emeritus of Language Didactics, dean emeritus of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences at the University of Geneva, in appreciation of his remarkable dedication to university teacher education, and his important scientific contribution in the area of language didactics in general, as well as in the area of classes based on text types in particular.

Laudation for Andrea Bertschi-Kaufmann
Laudation for Bernard Schneuwly

Prize Acceptance Speech
Prize acceptance Speech by Andrea Bertschi-Kaufmann

Since Bernard Schneuwly has spoken without notes there is no written account available of his prize acceptance speech.


Award Ceremony in 2004

The second award ceremony was held during the international congress "Bildung über die Lebenszeit" at the University of Zurich in 2004. The following laureates received the award ex aequo:

Heinz Wyss, PhD, director emeritus of the Federal Teacher Education Seminar in Biel and long-time member of the editorial board of "Beiträge der Lehrerbildung" in recognition of his pioneering work in regard to teacher education and his innovative conceptual and diverse publishing activities promoting the development and renewal of Swiss teacher education practices.

Fritz Oser, PhD, Dr h.c. mult., professor emeritus of Pedagogy and Pedagogical Psychology at the University of Fribourg, in recognition of the outstanding scientific achievements in his research on the ethical and moral quality of school and education, as well as the effect analysis and renewal of Swiss and international teacher education.

Jürgen Oelkers, PhD, professor emeritus of General Education Studies at the University of Zurich, in recognition of his outstanding published contributions regarding the stimulation of the scientific and public discourse on education, as well as his research on structure and effect of Swiss and international teacher education practices.

The recognition award included a prize money of CHF 15,000, which was awarded to all three laureates in equal shares.

The appreciation of the laureates (laudation by Prof. em. Kurt Reusser) and their honorary address (Prof em Fritz Oser) and co-honorary addresses (Prof em Jürgen Oelkers and Dr Heinz Wyss) are published in the journal "Beiträge zur Lehrerbildung", BzL Jg. 22, Heft 2/2004. Please find here a copy the whole article.


Award Ceremony in 1999

In 1999, the first Hans-Aebli-Recognition Award was presented in Lucerne on the occasion of the congress of the Swiss Society for Teacher Education with an amount of CHF 10,000 to the research group of the University of Teacher Education St. Gallen (Erwin Beck, Titus, Guldimann, Ruth Nidermann, and Micheal Zutavern)  in Würdigung der hervorragenden wissenschaftlichen Forschungsleistungen im Dienste der schweizerischen Lehrerbildung, ihrer Bedeutung für die Ausbildung der Lehrerinnen und Lehrer und ihrer Wirksamkeit für die Schulpraxis (in recognition of the outstanding scientific research achievements on behalf of the Swiss teacher education, its importance for the education of teachers, and its effectiveness in school practice), excerpt from the laudation.


Photographic Memories